SPECIAL PRICE UNTIL Valentine's Day ❤️
on all new Jazzy Bugs Patterns and Sets

D I S T R A C T I O N 


ceramic | glaze | beads | moulinet | stained glass | brass

In the summer of the difficult and tough year 2022 – the year when worlds were collapsing at all levels, material and mental, global and personal – in order to get distracted from what was happening in the world, country and my family I experimented with new materials and combining them together. Ceramics, beads, moulinet and glass. So, three vases were born.

These vases are not at all like the time and situation in which they were born. They seem to be from a parallel universe, where it’s joyful, beautiful, friendly, delicious and fun.

#1 Orange Glass

21 х 14 cm

height 23 cm

#2 Lilac Hat

20 х 20 cm

height 26 cm

#3 Coral Reef

20 х 20 cm

height 15 cm

The vases are designed the way so that they could hold water.


1000 VASES | Paris | 2023

All three vases were selected and two of them participated in 1000 VASES exhibition which took a place in Paris in Galerie Joseph / February 2023.


Bird Milk | Moscow | 2022

All three vases were selected from 300 applications and participated among 17 other projects in the Bird Milk* exhibition dedicated to escapism in Moscow /October 2022/.

* a collaborative project of the Ceramania Festival and the Get Art Fit school for artists