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the BIRD:


stained glass | solder | brass | 2020

A gift from a friend for a super cool Icelandic artist Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir @shoplifterart.

A friend of Hrafnhildur - Lilja - contacted me to create a special gift for this extraordinary person. Although I'm sure I can not pronounce the name right, I know that her first name is Hrafnhildur and 'hrafn' means Raven in Icelandic, and her last name Arnardottir means Eagle. That's why Lilja suggested working on a bird theme & I offered to make some abstract piece combining two birds in one.


Another thing about Shoplifter is that she is all about color. That's why it was supposed to be full of colors.


It was such a pleasure to create a piece for such an outstanding person and I am grateful to Lilja for giving me this fantastic opportunity!